Sunday, March 21, 2010

Won't Be Posting For A While..

Hi, It's Madisson here (duh!) Well, I won't be posting for a little while because I've just been diagnosed with depression.. It's not that important and I'm sure plenty of you really don't care.. but I at least wanted to give a valid reason for why I won't be posting.. if you have me on msn, I'll be on occasionally. But I think I need some time to sort myself out.. figure out what to do. I'll miss you guys. Normally I love drama, but when the tables are turned & it's actually happening to me in real life, and stuffing up the only life I have, It's not too fun. On stardoll you can have many 'lives'. Stuff up, move on make a new account. In real life, you only have one life, and you have to live it the best way you can. Depression is a mental illness. I suppose you can now say I'm a nutter, having a mental illness and all, but now my life is screwed basically.. so I'm having some time off.

Miss you xo


  1. Apparently to some people this has come as a complete shock.. because I don't come off as someone that'd be depressed..

  2. Naww...You'll get through this.
    We love you and hope you get much better.
    My friend was recently diagnosed with depression as well but she's nearly better..
    We'll support you as much as possible and keep this blog going.
